Happy Reading

Toni's bookshelf: read

The Godfather of Kathmandu (Sonchai Jitpleecheep, #4)
Ape House
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Operation Napoleon
Walking Dead
The Sentimentalists
The Heretic Queen
The Midnight House
Cross Fire
Peony in Love
Finding Nouf: A Novel
City of Veils: A Novel
First Daughter
A Place of Hiding
Peter Pan

Toni Osborne's favorite books »

Monday, May 27, 2024

"Does Coffee Cause Cancer", by Christopher Labos

And 8 more myths about the food we eat

This is a refreshing book and an original way to clarify about food, food myths and the misconceptions sloppy science perpetuates. The story is told in conversations between a medical doctor on his way to a conference and people he met along the way.

Although this novel is fiction, the research and conclusions are documented in the Journal of Medicine and you will see extensive references at the end of the book to solidify the doctor’s point of view.

Each chapter is dedicated to one subject and can be fun to read. Whether vitamin C prevents the common cold, the cons of eating red meat, having too much salt, drinking coffee, red wine, eggs, the benefits of vitamin D and yes, perhaps even chocolate are all discussed to no end.

Since a lot of research is being based on inaccurate data Montreal Dr . Christopher Labos a cardiologist with a degree in epidemiology who has gained notice as a frequent commentator in local print and broadcast media strongly clarifies the misconceptions about food. To give his first person narrative more of a personal touch he also has integrated a love story to the mix. All characters are fictitious but those who know Dr. Labos will picture his face while reading this book. I know I did.

The concept is quite original and the presentation even more but although interesting it can also be somewhat boring. But what is important to know is each chapter provides us with some very important and valuable medical advice.

The story in a few words:

A Dr . en route to a medical conference in California meets two people and for the entire flight engage into detailed discussion about vitamin C. Then he meets a pretty waitress at a coffee shop again engage once more in medical talk and then comes his old friend.... guess what he talks about.....

My conclusion:

It’s a story about epidemiology and medical research and how abstract things apply to the food you eat every day is a difficult to get into and also to stay with it. Extremely well researched and said this book was good but what I took out of it: Everything in moderation and I will be fine.

"Hidden in the Night", by Elizabeth Goddard

Missing in Alaska book #3

Set in picturesque Alaska “Hidden in the Night” is the final chapter in a captivating series although I am certain Ms. Goddard will have more wonderful stories to give us soon. The story bring former FBI special agent and book collector Ivy Elliot to this cold part of the earth to secure an unpublished Jack London manuscript that was kept hidden for decades....but the manuscript is gone taken by the granddaughter of the woman who possessed it...Joining force with State trooper Nolan Long, they battle the worst of winter as the search goes on for the missing girl and the manuscript.

The story is filled with suspense, murder, blackmail and little sparkles in our lovebirds’ eyes what is not to keep flipping page to see the outcome. As usual I was hooked from the start and really enjoyed this clean, romantic suspense with a good outcome. Mr. Goddard style is fluid, the narration is vivid and she gives us a plot that is suspensive tense and fast-paced but most of all we have wonderful and warm characters to follow. If you don’t mind some Scripture passages along the way you will enjoy this story at its fullest.

In a few words, this story is a breathtaking race for the truth set amid the glorious and deadly Glacier Bay.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher Revell through Netgalley for my thoughts.....This is the way I see it.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Delhi", by Ty Patterson

Zeb Carter suspense thriller book # 14

Zeb and his team are in Delhi for a joint training exercise with RAW, India's secretive counter-terrorism outfit.....with great company and good food. They didn’t plan anything else ...until they were attacked and the shooters escaped leaving several dead behind.....

No doubt Ty Patterson signature style shines once more in this latest with the never ending action that keeps the suspense until the very last page. Buckle up it’s a wild and exhausting ride that will keep you on your toes and riveted throughout. “Delhi” is steeped in violent incidents and mystery from the very start, making it a page-turner. Being right in the middle of the action will do this. Of course, the tit-bits of culture and custom that is injected between the lines are a plus. So I let myself learn a little history as the story moved on.

Over the top, totally improbable, diverse group of individuals, simple style, clean narrative, short and clear chapters and a very predictable story.....after 14 books you can guess what the team will face. Nevertheless “Delhi” is an enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the next installment.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

"High Society", by Daniel Kalla

Holly Danvers is a sought after psychiatrist determined to use psychedelics to treat patients for addictions, ignoring the risks she embarks upon an unproven new protocol. But when one of her celebrity client goes public accusing Holly of improprieties she reaches out to her estranged husband, Dr. Aaron Laing, for advice and comfort. Inevitably it is up to Holly to figure out why her clients are relapsing and dying.

By focussing on hot topics, Daniel Kalla once again demonstrates his ability to deliver a timely and scary look into addictions and the use of psychedelics therapy. Substance abuse comes in all forms: opioids, fentanyl, cocaine, ayahuasca, hallucinogens, alcohol, sex, nicotine, abuse of prescription medicines, gambling, etc. People under their spell are from all corners: rich, poor, celebrity, lawyer, doctors, artist, influencers, etc. In this story Holly has an elite group of wealthy patients that call themselves “The Tribe” all are seeking an end to their addictions. Holly treats them with the use of psychedelics through IV then wiping their memories with other drugs.

Three months into treatment, Dr. Danvers’ therapy group of seven clients start to crumble when the first of them is found dead and then another one and one goes missing.....No one trust each other....what is happening and who is killing them?.....

Being a fan of this author and have read all his previous books I know from the get-go that most of them will have a difficult subject. This latest story examines ethical issues and the benefits of group therapy. Being a Doctor, Mr. Kalla knows what he is talking about and expresses himself with words the mainstream public can understand. Although I like the subject matter I was not fully invested in this drama. It was somewhat slow and seemed to revert too much on the therapy sessions. The drama gives a boost to the plot, murders or suicides never fails to do so. I like that part so I kept flipping the page to see if I was right guessing the whodunit...I failed.

I am always looking forward to be immersed into one of Daniel Kalla’s thriller and I will continue in the future. Mr. Kalla is an excellent storyteller and his subject matter all taken from his experiences and from the daily news....

Thank you Netgalley, Simon& Schuster for this digital ARC.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"The Far Side of the Desert", by Joanne Leedom-Ackerman

What an exciting mystery this story turned out to be. We are talking about terrorist attack- kidnapping and the ultimate vacation gone wrong.

Sisters Samatha and Monte Walters are vacationing in Spain enjoying a festival waiting for their brother’s arrival but their enjoyment was thwarted when terrorist’s attacks rock the city of Santiago de Compostela and the sisters are separated and one of them vanishes....the story will tell us what happens....enjoy.

This thriller is a family and political drama at its best it incorporates into its lines links to terrorism, crime and financial manipulation. Full of energy, the narrative provides all tension needed to keeps us pushing till the end. Not only are we into fast paced actions and intrigues to keep us on our toes as all good thriller should provide but “The Far Side of the Desert” goes far beyond terrorism and political and financial intrigue by giving us a inspiring tale into a family relationship, romantic matters/affairs and even psychological trauma such as rape. Along the way the Walters sisters takes us globetrotting passing time in Washington DC, Morocco, Spain and Gibraltar...and somewhere in the Sahara where we experience some tense moments and disturbing scenes. Some part of this book may be difficult to read but I loved how smoothly the author has incorporated these moments with care. The story alternates between Monte’s treatment as a captive and Samatha’s determined search for her sister.

The plot is well-written and played out by captivating characters. I hope Ms.Leedom-Ackerman plans a spin off and gives her evil character Safir his own story....I don’t believe this ghost (Safir) died by the end....

This is one of the best stories I read this year. Well-said, well-done

Thank you Oceanview Publishing for the opportunity to read this story

Sunday, May 12, 2024

"Cold Fear", by Toni Anderson

Cold Justice #4: A Romantic Thriller

Although I read the previous installments I just plainly did not remember any of the main characters, were they come from and what they did previously. Picking up this book was just like any other standalone I put my teeth into; I smoothly fit in with not troubles.

The story in a few words:

ASAC Lincoln Frazer is the heads the BAU at FBI sets out to investigate a murder he is not usual part of but this random act picked his attention something keeps teasing him, this one seems more sinister and he needs to take charge. At the scene Dr. Isadora Campbell (Izzy) walk into Frazer’s life with all her baggage.......awe.....

My thoughts:

Ms. Anderson has set this one against the background of wind and sand dunes and combined her story with chilly lead characters, a rebellious teen, a murderer on the loose and sand dunes hiding a few grim secrets to discover. The plot is adequate and keeps a steady pace till the very last page. As the investigation goes on, Izzy and Frazer find themselves drawn to one another and by the end of the story we are into a hot romance and language that contains strong sexual terms. Of course, the killer is identified and finding out who he was definitely not a mystery to me I had guessed him a long time before the closing page. In whole “Cold Fear” has a good a story that held my attention but the romantic section.... not so much.....Will I read more from this author...definitely.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

"The War Nurse", by R.V. Doon

A WW11 Family Saga

Katarina Stahl is an American Red Cross nurse stationed in the Philippines working with her husband Jack Gallagher, a surgeon. Once their medical mission over they set on their way home to the States when they witnessed bombs falling out of planes....now trapped they needed all their wits to survive.... This drama is an epic war stories of two families the Stahl and the Gallagher. One will depict Manilla in all its horrors and the other will brings us to the U.S.A with the internment of German resident aliens and German- American citizens.

My thoughts in a few words:

I have mixed feeling about this story it starts very slow and seems not to take wings even dwindles at one point. I join those saying the story is a bit contrived and style lack spunk, its narrative is somewhat choppy but I overcame this after a while and went with the flow. At one point and finally the story became very interesting and then it had all of my attention. I enjoyed being taken away from the European conflict which I am an avid reader of and step out of my comfort zone to read a story on the other side of the world.

There is a lot of movement In “The War Nurse”, each chapter alternates from Katarina’s story in the Philippine with the Stahl family in the U.S.A. Multiple characters show up for us to track of it is a bit challenging to place everyone and follow them but eventually all will come into place.

This is another glimpse of what war does to people and highlights the remarkable survival instinct human have....

This story may not have been my favourite nevertheless it left me satisfied.

Friday, May 3, 2024

"Murder in Cuba", by Dianna Hartman

A Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery book #8

This cute story brings us to a land of classic car, beautiful beaches, salsa music and the best cigar in the world. Putting my thoughts together I swing my hips to the beat of the music now playing in my head...ok. I will cool it. Jack Trout, his friend Mike and their spouses set off on an exploratory trip to a Cuban island. Their dream of fly fishing the saltwater flats was quickly replace when a local constable ask to help to solve the murder of a British fly fishing guide. Jack fast becomes the main suspect...and the investigation starts...

What a different mystery this turned out to be. I love how the wives went about solving this murder, they used all the assets to discover what they wanted and they succeeded at every turn. Everything is so lively from the characters, the food, the music and Cayo (the cat). Cuba in this story is still frozen in time before the embargo on US citizens. On the streets of Cuba are old 50’s American cars, they only serve Cuban beer and local rum , but the food is out of this world and the people are warm, friendly and beautiful. The murder mystery is a soft one no graphic scenes to make us shiver but enough to leave a picture in our mind. The style is a bit stilted at time so is the narrative but in whole this story is quite captivating and I enjoyed passing time with it.

Ok I want a Mojito please

Fly fishing is the reason this group went to Cuba but this mystery gives us a trip to a beautiful place along with its culture and food and is easy to read, entertaining and unpredictable. Well-done.