Happy Reading

Toni's bookshelf: read

The Godfather of Kathmandu (Sonchai Jitpleecheep, #4)
Ape House
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Operation Napoleon
Walking Dead
The Sentimentalists
The Heretic Queen
The Midnight House
Cross Fire
Peony in Love
Finding Nouf: A Novel
City of Veils: A Novel
First Daughter
A Place of Hiding
Peter Pan

Toni Osborne's favorite books »

Thursday, September 12, 2024

"Suspicious Looking Packages", by Gregory Delaurentis

The Bomb Squad: a Crime Story

New York, 1940 an explosion at the World’s Fair leaves the city on edge. A pipe bomb is found hidden in a red sock… the first device of the sort delivered leaving a strong message to the city. Who is this madman leaving a trail of devastation and brought three detectives at the heart of this nightmarish puzzle.

My thoughts:

I had a terrible time with this story and apologize to the author for not giving him full credits. I was hooked by the cover story I though stepping aside from my usual read would give me another view I rarely step unto. My error.

What I found excellently done is the story has a feel of authenticity: men in the 40’s wore spiffy clothes, fedora hats, had greasy hair and depending of the job status used very colourful languages: picture them holding a cigarette in one hand and whiskey in the other hand chatting with their colleagues and criticizing their wives. We read this page after pages yes once in a while they are sent on a defusing mission… But the development is so slow I actually had to skip pages of never ending day to day life till yes once in a while they have a bomb to diffuse. In my books the exciting parts are too short and lack excitement…. Or was my negativity regarding this story the fact that I skipped too many pages?

This story did not gel for me but you may like it, so don’t judge this story by my feelings give it a go if the hypnosis appeals to you.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

"The Seamstress of Auschwitz", by C.K. McAdam

This story spans from 1932 and continues through the British pulling out of Palestine. Sara’s journey immerses us into the horrors of Auschwitz and gives us a glimpse what life was for the displaced persons in camps around Europe. Through the eyes of Sara a lot is said including the obstacles Jews faced in trying to enter Palestine.

All stories during this time are heart-wrenching and compelling this one is no exception. Apart from giving us a large timeline, this version of events recounts and rehashes the same experiences endured by the prisoners. We can find numerous books recounting these events. Nothing new here for those who are a fan and have read books of this era before.

Having said this “The Seamstress of Auschwitz “is nevertheless a very well- written and well-paced story and reading it you won’t get bogged down with unnecessary details. Even if I read many stories covering the camps in the past, I still had a hard time leaving my emotions in check flipping through the pages.

Ms. McAdam’s version is well crafted and powerful but to my eyes did not bring anything new.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalleys

Monday, September 2, 2024

"Target Acquired", by Lynette Eason

Synopsis in a few words:

Kenzie King has earned her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team, a world dominated by all-male. She soon finds out that her arrival has rocked the boat and that not everyone on the team accepts her but she is committed to the job and will have to prove she is as good as they are....She soon finds herself caught between a cold case and a threat to her life.... Cole Garrison, her team leader, will help her navigate while they work to crack the case and find the culprit who is threatening her.

My thoughts:

The story:

The plot gives us a little of everything: lots of intrigue, high-octane action packed with many twists, slow and steady pacing, a bit of poignant moments, some soft romance to spike the narrative and clean humour to make us smile but most of all keeps us interested till the very end. The romance is sweet and clean as expected with Ms. Eason.

We have two timeline criss-crossing each other one is the contemporary story and the other takes us back to 1940. I love the backstory a lot. Eventually they connected and smoothly blend into an entertaining saga.

The characters:

Kenzie King is the image of women who pierced gender inequality with resilience determination and tenacity and faced challenges with courage and strength. By the end she won her colleagues respect and accepted as an equal member of the team.

With his big heart, protective instincts and indomitable spirits Cole Garrison’s dynamic personality brings heartwarming feelings to this inspiring tale.

The SWAT team is a group of tight-knit and courageous bunch of friends (colleagues) looking out for one another. The story is filled with their interactions.


Well-written and said this story published by Revell is a clean read and meant for everyone.

Although “Target Acquired” is part of a series it stands well on its own.

I received this Arc by the publisher via Netgalley for my thoughts: this is the way I see it.