Happy Reading

Toni's bookshelf: read

The Godfather of Kathmandu (Sonchai Jitpleecheep, #4)
Ape House
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
Operation Napoleon
Walking Dead
The Sentimentalists
The Heretic Queen
The Midnight House
Cross Fire
Peony in Love
Finding Nouf: A Novel
City of Veils: A Novel
First Daughter
A Place of Hiding
Peter Pan

Toni Osborne's favorite books »

Saturday, June 29, 2024

"Dog Day Afternoon", by David Rosenfelt

Andy Carpenter book # 29

This mystery has a lot of legal aspect to it and a bit of court shenanigans but mostly is my preferred: the subdued humour that slips from time to time to make me smile. This author knows how to talk to us and tells stories in the first person narrative. Yes Andy whispered everything; he is totally in my head.....

Although this novel is part of a series it stands well on its two feet and can be read as a standalone with no trouble.

Although retired Andy carpenter runs a dog rescue organization for years his calling is representing clients in court. His long-time friend Marcus Clark is his sidekick who keeps his personal life to himself. Marcus takes disadvantage young men under his wings. So when Marcus needs Andy’s help no doubt he has it. Marcus friend Rick William is the prime suspect in the murder of 6 of his colleagues at work and needs all the help he can get...Springs into action, his our debonair lawyer....and we are into a very engaging mystery.

This mystery is witty, well-paced and filled with snappy one liner and to top it all amazing characters. The court room scenes are at a minimum but give the needed punch with all the legal verbalism...

“Dog day Afternoon”, makes it at the top of my best read list so far this year.

Excellent read I enjoyed passing time with.

I received this ARC from St Martin’s Press via Netgalley for my thoughts: this is the way I see it.

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