Thursday, December 15, 2022

"Our Man in Kuwait", by Louise Burfitt-Dons

After the successful “The Karen Anderson” series Ms. Burfitt-Dons changed theme and has penned for us a thought-provoking espionage thriller where we are taken back to 1960 Kuwait when British expats worried about the imminent invasion from Soviet backed Iraq.
Ahmadi, Kuwait 1960

Gordon Carlisle lives in Ahmadi with his beautiful wife Anita. They have little to worry about other what to wear at the next dinner party...till the day a MI6 agent crosses their paths, then everything changed : a marriage breakdown and Anita becomes the prime suspect in a chain of deaths. Gordon tried to unravel this mess and he gets deeper and deeper. The drama takes off and we are in turns and twists galore throughout the story.

With a mix of a fertile imagination, this thriller based on true events has enough spies and double agents to keep us guessing who may be one or not, especially who is the elusive Agent Alex so many are referring to all through the book. I loved this part particularly: very intriguing and captivating.

The pacing at first is very slow but took off when one of the wives dies in a mysterious way and from then on never lets up. I was happy for this change that took place 1/3 into the drama. The first part was more introducing us to the players. I found this a bit long but no doubts necessary. No lack of players to follow and each have a particular role to play and they do so perfectly. So we need to pay attention to know who is who... All characters are well-drawn and have an authentic ring to them. I enjoyed the realistic dialogue and the style is very comfortable to read. Well-done.

Thank you, Louise for this ARC.

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