Tuesday, December 8, 2015

"The Methuselah Project", by Rick Barry

This is to be the most captivating book I read in a long time. Pulse –pounding action from page one, this fiction is so enthralling I hated to do anything else but flipping pages to see the outcome, it is simply that captivating. The story is quite original and starts during WW11 with Roger Greene, a fighter pilot, who becomes a study subject in the Methuselah Project by Nazi scientists after his plane was shot down behind enemy lines during WW11. It is also the story of Katherine Mueller, a freelance editor, living in Atlanta in 2014. Destiny eventually brings them together……..

The story moves from the time Roger is shut down to the present day and is told by the two players as the narrative switches back and forth between them. This is mixture of mystery and intrigue filled with chase scenes that all started with an experiment for longevity…..What a great thrill ride this story gives. Imagine languishing behind bars for 70 years and not aging at all, being able to escape only to be relentlessly hunted by the Organisation (bad guys) while trying to orient yourself and figure out all the modern gadgetry of the 21st century….The premise may be far-fetched and implausible in many ways but what it does well is to give us pause on some of the war’s atrocities. The characterization is well-done: Katherine is a real Southern belle and plays a good role especially when the chase is on. Our hero Roger is simply an ace, what else can I say.

“The Methuselah Project” is well-crafted to provide a bit of everything and captivated its reader from page one.

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