Friday, November 27, 2015

"The Martian", by Andy Weir

This story is pure science fiction, both funny and thrilling at the same time and one of those sharp story heavily laced with geeky details. This story will probably please most fans that are into hard sci-fi genre but may leave some readers questioning themselves whether this book was worth the time spent reading it…..The story follows an American astronaut, Mark Watney, as he becomes stranded alone on Mars and must improvise in order to survive.

There is too much techno sci-fi, mumble-jumble for my taste and long passages where Watney calculates how far he can get, how much water and food he needs but what makes these passages digestible is how the author has lighten the mood by letting his protagonist muse about his situation as a space pirate using unconventional methods to survive (hilarious at times). Of course there is tension found, the pages are filled with catastrophic failures and risks managing decisions. The plot keeps on moving with one random disaster after another and Watney faces each problem as it arises with admirable savvy and technical know-how. The protagonist is an engaging character although I found his development to be rather static throughout his ordeal. No signs of emotional and psychological impact from the experience at all. The story is set in the present and is narrated in alternate voices by the astronaut, mission control desk managers, mission crew and by a third person’s point of view. All account is vivid and very visual….not surprising it is now on the big scene.

I have mixed feelings about this gritty survivalist tale, sometime captivated and at other simply bored to death…..Although ”The Martian” may have an amazing story reading it was a tedious task at times.

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