Thursday, April 10, 2014

"For the King", by Catherine Delors

Do not be fooled by this title although eye catching it is quite misleading, you will discover its true meaning mid-way. “For the King” is a tale of love, betrayal, political corruption and mostly the plight of the common people of Paris during Bonaparte’s time as First Consul.

“For the King” is more of an historical mystery or thriller than the standard historical fiction. At first I was disappointed in the style but the further I read along and once I had fitted all the pieces together I thought it was an astute strategy, a good combination that vividly portrayed the struggles happening in France during the post-revolution and a satisfying fashion to pull the tale together. Of course I am certain Ms. Delors took some historical liberties and has created fictional characters to breathe life into her story but nevertheless has based her words on real events and figures. The story is told from three different points of views in a narration smeared with long passages and flowery descriptions.

The story deals with the investigation which followed the attack, which, although it failed to harm Napoleon, killed and maimed many other people. The central character is Roch Miquel, the son of a tavern owner who has risen to be Chief of Police and has a beautiful mistress. All through the story Miguel hunts down the assassins but his investigation is complicated by the maneuverings of his superior, the indiscretions of his father, a former Jacobin and of his love interest….

“For the King” is an interesting novel that plays out more of a mystery than anything else.

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