Friday, September 20, 2024

"One Night in Tehran", by Luana Ehrlich

A Titus Ray Thriller Book #1

This book was a promotion I picked up a few years back and it finally reached the top of my very very long list of kindle books, books I rarely open. This story really caught me by surprise being described as a Christian fiction and focussing on religion and spirituality definitely is not a type of book I would usually go for, then why did I ask for it?

After reading it I can say I enjoy this well-written page turner and did not mind the very small parts pertaining to moments of faith since every religious element were subdued and did not interfere with the pacing and my enjoyment.

What an interesting, intricate and easily believable plot it turned out to be. There is a lot of action and dialogue and the writing is done with excellence. This first novel features intelligence officer Titus Ray, a man trained in lies now on the run from Iranian secret police. A group of Iranian Christians manages to smuggle him out of Iran to eventually end up in the States...there things got out of hand...

By grapping my attention from the beginning and never let go this well thought out plot has given me an exceptional journey filled with suspense. The first person narration, always wins me.

This story is well-written and well- said. Kudo Ms. Ehrlich

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