Sunday, October 25, 2020

"Break", by Ty Patterson

Cutter Grogan Thrillers book #1

As a fan I know by now that Mr. Patterson has a fertile imagination and has no limits in order to entertain his fans. Moving away from his well-known “ Zeb Carter” series Mr. Patterson introduces his new lead man, Cutter Grogan a former Delta soldier, who calls himself a “Fixer”. Once again we are given a story very hard to put aside. This is a page-turner of a story that grabs you from the start and holds you captive till you reach the conclusion.

A concern mother requests the “Fixer” to help her to rescue her son from the clutches of a drug pushing gang. Cutter soon finds out the situation is by far more complicated that he thought when he gets involved with a white supremacist group and one of them is running for president...oh my my.....

This is a blistering opening for what will be a great series. Cutter leads us into a thrilling ride filled with twists in every direction while in a cameo appearance Zeb Carter’s team is there to save our intrepid new protagonist from being killed. The plot provides many thread lines that are all interconnected and easy to follow, I never lost track of what was going on. “Break” is a well-written thriller populated with excellent characters and to boot has a great story to tell. Nicely done.

I received a copy of this book for my honest thoughts.

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