Monday, April 22, 2013

"The Footsteps of Domingo Rhodes", by Brandon Collier

As a self-published author Brandon Collier has a huge task to overcome and a lot of hats to wear without a well-oiled machine behind him. Kudos to him for trying, not only did he came up with an idea, he dared to fulfill his creative mind by writing, editing and promoting his novels as best he could, not an easy task.

“The Footsteps of Domingo Rhodes” tells the story of a journalist desperate for a scoop that will turn his life around. He finds that story in Mexico where he teams up with a local journalist and sources their information in Clive Wilson, a fearless gun smuggler on the run from both the law and the rebel group led by the notorious Lady Martinez. It doesn't take long before Domingo and Clive become the target and hunted by both groups.

The thriller starts on a high note and provides a ton of fast action while it takes its seedy characters on a journey through the world of weapon trafficking. There are many plot twists to add suspense and some down time to balance things out, but never does the story lingers and becomes boring. The author has built fascinating characters and is quite adept in giving them a believable dialogue.

On a low note, there were downsides to overlook in the PDF format such as the writing style with many awkward phrases, some sentence construction that did not flow smoothly and lots of redundancies. I was bugged with the many “typos” throughout the narrative and reading it was more like a manuscript ready for the first reading….. Help with editing would be a positive for Mr. Collier in the future. A little clean up and polishing will go a long way to earn a better rating.

Having said this, the novel is nonetheless quite entertaining.

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