Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Silent on the Moor", by Deanna Raybourn

3rd book in the Lady Julia Grey series

This latest tale is a mix of fiction, romance and mystery, which has Lady Julia and Nicholas Brisbane at each other like stray cats while around them there is revenge, death and many skeletons in the family closet.

Lady Julia heads north with two of her siblings to Grimsgrave, to help Brisbane get his newly acquired house in order. It is an estate located in the moors of Yorkshire that has fallen into disrepair and the former blue blood owner, Lady Allenby and her two daughters are still in residence and are relying on Brisbane’s hospitality for their survival.

Upon her arrival, it was evident; Brisbane and Julia were not able to cordially work out a plan of attack so Brisbane left in a huff. Julia’s curiosity soon had her prying onto the Allenby’s family and Grimsgrave history, not realizing this would lead to an eventual nightmare of events. She finds herself caught up in the study of Egyptology and on the wrong side of Gypsy mythology that will place her and others in peril, especially Brisbane…..

As in my experience with Ms. Raybourn’s previous novels, I found the introduction uneventful and long-winded. The endless bickering between Julia and Brisbane and the friction with Lady Allenby and her daughters soon became an irritant. Keeping my mind on track became a challenge but I was determined to see the outcome, I purchased the novel so I felt obliged to see the end. All that said and done, it was fun trying to guess who tried to rid the world of Brisbane by poisoning him. I may be a bit critical but 3 novels later I have the same complaints: lack of mystery, deprived of stimulating suspense and an atmosphere of romance that is as cold as the castles of the time. The main characters have become boring and one-dimensional to a point where I question if I will continue reading this series.

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