This historical fiction is set shortly after the French Revolution ended. Although this novel is fiction the events actually happened and people mentioned were real historical figures. “The Game of Hope”, chronicles the life Hortense de Beauharnais, whose stepfather was Napoleon Bonaparte. Hortense has lost her father, guillotined during the Reign of Terror.
The story involves a fortune-telling card deck. Each chapter opens with a card from the game which gives us an idea on what will come in that section.
Hortense every experience is noted from her time she is in school, at the estate and palace to her first twinkle of love in a form of a dashing officer to her rapport with friends, relatives, teachers and nobility. Hortense views and feelings and the way she reacts to some situation can be harsh but knowing her upbringing and her father’s horrific death we can soon see why her perspective is the way it is.
The portrayal of Hortense was risky one but she turned out to be invaluable protagonist to helped us immerse ourself not only in the time but also in the attitudes and context. Ms. Gulland fidelity to historical accuracy achieved to give us this. Hortense life may be dramatic but she handles well what she is facing. Even with the supporting characters the narrative was firmly Hortense’s and stayed such till the very end.
Although it is a good story I think the characters were underdeveloped and the plot was rather choppy. I was quite hard to remain invested in this one. I read better constructed stories from Ms. Gulland in the past.