Thursday, July 25, 2024

"Dead Man's Grip", by Peter James

Roy Grace series book #7

I loved this story. Peter James has given us a most intense and suspenseful mystery with lots of police procedural and has teased us with little bit more into his protagonist personal life.

One raining morning Tony Revere is killed on his bike in a road traffic collision. The vehicles involved are a car with a drunk driver, an articulated lorry with a driver that is overtired and a white van who quickly fled from the scene. Tony is the grandson of New York Mafia and his family is super powerful. Upon learning the death of her son, Mrs. Revere set about plotting revenge.....mafia style. Ds Roy Grace and his team will do their best to thwart all plans and get to the villain before too many deaths.....

The plot all spools out from this tragic accident.

The author pays astounding attention to details such as locations, his characters and the depth of research, maybe a bit too much at times. The story may be over the top at time and may be a good idea to suspend disbelief for the plot to work but as soon as I personally did I found myself completely absorbed in the mystery. The suspense level as the novel progresses is brilliant especially when two of drivers involved in the crash are found tortured and murdered. When Carly Chase, the car driver begins to suspect that she is next....The narration reflects how scare she is. The writing style is quite representative of Mr. James ability to realistically portray human behaviour. Each characters are unique and well drawn.

What a page-turner, so gripping it grabbed hold of me and wouldn’t let go until I had finished the last sentence. “Dead Man’s Grip” is really an enjoyable book and a compelling read.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Show Game", by Steve Anderson

Is it payback for harm done or justice rendered?

Stepping away from historical fictions Mr. Anderson gives us a new look into his creativity by thrusting us in a mind game. “Show Game” is as psychological thriller doing exactly that.

The story in a few words:

A vigilante known by the alias “Alex” takes a predatory priest, a double-dealing politician and a fraudulent philanthropist all of them transgressors captive and has ways of making them confess on camera for the entire world to witness. Alex knows what they have done and Show Game will expose them for all to see....vengeance is sweet....and the game is on. Enjoy this tale that blends intrigue and mystery.

My thoughts:

This story is fast-paced and quite thought provoking. It brings out topics quite relevant today and is said with deep feelings. I like this twisted game of confession with this vigilante taking justice into their own hands, forcing abusers into a confession while playing a game. When Owen Tanaka, an investigative reporter, determined to unmask the vigilante comes in play....undecided whether to stop this criminal mastermind or not...Definitely we are into an exciting game, one that gives us a heart-pounding ride till the very end. The imagery is vivid and will stay in mind for some time after the closing page, writing my thoughts I still picture the sequences frame by frame...This story is well said and the presentation well-done. With this new direction Mr. Anderson proves his ability to give us even difficult subjects.

Thank you Mr. Anderson

Thursday, July 18, 2024

"A Lethal Question", by Mark Rubinstein

I loved this story from the moment I opened the first page “A Lethal Question” is exciting and very intense, it moves at breakneck speed, oh yes, I kept flipping the pages with turbo fingers eager for the next move.
Imagine yourself a psychologist. On a session a patient pops a loaded question at you “Ya wanna know who clipped Boris Levenko?” What would you do?

This is the same question Russian and Albanian mobsters want answered. Bill is an assuming professional but when a mob faction discovers that one of their own blabbed to Bill...he is marked for assassination. Bill is force to go on the run......and the fun commences...enjoy....

This is a well-built story, each chapter highlights a sequence in tracking and dogging as Bill and Elena are on the run. Bill met Elena while hiding at a friend’s place and unavoidably she also became a target. Living in constant fear Bill’s nightmare begins in the digital age where a hacker’s expertise anyone can be easily located...In the narration you can feel the fear, the apprehension and most of all the paranoia that set in. Every suspicious figure seemed like a potential mafia henchman. As the struggle to evade capture goes on the suspense is at its highest. Definitely this story is a version of Sopranos on steroids.

This is tale that blends the best elements of a psychological thriller and an action thriller all in one and gives us a page- turner to be entertained for hours.

I received a copy of this book from Oceanview Publishing for my thoughts: this is the way I see it

Monday, July 15, 2024

"Bombmaker", by Daniel J. Davies

The year is 1989

This story is a mystery, a thriller and a suspense genre story. “Bombmaker” is an absorbing and complex drama that did fantastic work in keeping my mind engaged from the opening page.

“Bombmaker” is a story of an American interrogator who seeks information on a prisoner after uncovering evidence of a major terrorist plot to kill thousands of U.S. civilians. Emma Ripley, a divorcĂ©e and single parent, gets the assignment to interrogate Georges Fadi Subdallah who had crashed his Vespa loaded with explosives at Boston’s Hancock building and survived self-immolation. Now he is in custody mangled and tight- lipped. This is a heavy book that tells us a lot. In a few words: a riveting drama about radicalization and terrorist surveillance on American soil.

Mr. Davies has crafted an intriguing and suspenseful drama filled with action. The plot tells us how U.S. born Fadi, proceeds to his planned spot and detonates himself. How he was recruited and how Marcel indoctrinated him. The narrative which weaves between Emma’s mission and Fadi’s backstory is masterful. Along the way, the author skillfully depicts Fadi’s chilling changes. I love the main characters; they have surprisingly a lot of similarity: parents who would do anything and couldn’t do enough. Emma and Fadi are complex and likeable in their own ways. The story also brings us to Boston with all its cultural diversity and rich landmarks.

In a few words:

Gripping narrative, wonderful characters and a storyline told by a master storyteller.

My thanks to the Publisher Book Whisperer for sending me a copy of this book for my thoughts: this is the way I see it.

Friday, July 12, 2024

"Hope to Die", by James Patterson

Alex Cross book #22

I love James Patterson’s books even after numerous outings he still has a knack for giving us a fast-paced, engaging stories that has us gripped from the first page. Even after reading 22 books in this series he manages to stay focussed on giving us an exciting read. This one is closely linked to “Cross My Heart” which ended in a cliff-hanger with our protagonist distraught and lost. Alex Cross series is definitely one of my favourite, no one does it better than James Patterson.

Summary in a few words:

“Detective Alex Cross is being stalked by a psychotic genius, forced to play the deadliest game of his career.

Cross’s family: his loving wife Bree, the wise and lively Nana Mama, and his precious children-have been ripped away. Terrified and desperate, Cross must give this mad man what he wants if he has any chance of saving them most important people in his life. The stakes have never been higher. What will Cross sacrifice to save the ones he loves?”

More thoughts:

This is an easy read with short chapters that propels you to read just one more chapter. Alex is such a great character you definitely want him to succeed in finding and saving his love ones. We are teased from page one with the discovery of bodies leaving us wondering could they be Alex’s family....bit by bit we are plunged into the drama along with Alex and we feel his anxiety in finding his family mutilated by an insane individual or even worst never finding them. The tension is palpable....Never a dull moment spending time with Alex....

Although I love this series I take my time between books in order to enjoy them at the maximum otherwise I may say as some do that the action is the same same old thing....

I enjoyed passing time with Alex and I will again after all.... as of today there are 33 books in this I have a lot a catching up to do. I am looking forward in doing so.

"A Slay Ride Together With You", by Vicki Delany

A Year Round Christmas Mystery #7

Ms. Delany writes all kinds of cozy mystery stories that are fun to read. The stage is set in Rudolph, New York, where the mystery will have shop owner Merry Wilkinson helping her best friend Vicky Casey and her fiancé Mark Grosse move into the historic Cole House, an old home deemed haunted....of course odd goings on starts the moment Vicki and Mark move in...Even a body of a man is found on the grounds triggering all kinds of speculation.

I haven’t read the all the previous books in this series but I can assure that at any point you can pick up a book and be right at home. This one is set during Easter time but the town’s hasn’t left its Christmas spirit go after all Rudolph is known as “America’s Christmas Town” for a reason. Mark was unlucky enough to have found the body of the man and has fast become the prime suspect as Detective Diane Simmonds sets her focus on him. Merry, Vicki, the opera diva, Santa and most of the town people spring into action to find solutions and solve the puzzle so that Mark can be vindicated.

The action is slow moving but does keep us in a soft suspense from the time Mark was blamed till the motives were uncovered and the killer was found. Ms. Delany style is simple and easy to follow and for us to be totally immersed in the going on. This is real chick-lit at its best and a joy to read.

I received this ARC from the publisher Crooked Lane Books via Netgalley for my thoughts: this is the way I see it.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

"The Blind Devotion of Imogen", by David Putnam

The Misadventures of Imogen Taylor

After reading a few of Mr. Putnam books I came to look for his works without even reading the synopsis I just get it...well I will have to be more selective from now on. I honestly can say this standalone was not for me and by far. The storyline is convoluted, very slow and by the end not much a story at all. It was one of those books I took my time reading it: a few chapters at the time and so easily put aside for another day.... if you like eccentric characters and a story that extremely creative you probably will love this book. The main character Imogene is complicated and not too likeable but she provide some funny moments.

But who is Imogene Taylor?

In 1973, Imogene is seventy-five years old; on parole for murder and works at Dentco, a store that sells dented canned food. Twelve years ago she went to prison for the murder of her husband Wayne. There she wrote a novel about the assassination of a US president....and the story goes on...and on....and is all over the place.

To end:

Not for everyone, definitely not my cup of tea.

I received this book from Level Best Books via Netgalley for my thoughts: this is the way I see it.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

"Trouble is Brewing", by Vicki Delany

Tea by the Sea Mystery #5

If I want a cozy mystery I know I will be well serve reading any of Ms. Delany’s stories. Her tales are simple, well written and not taxing for those like I needing a pause from action packed thrillers that take your breath away. I did not read the precious books in this series and in no ways felt lost. The author smoothly blends in every player like you have known them forever.

The story in a few words:

The Reynolds and the Hill family are gathered at Tea by the Sea for Hannah Hill bridal shower. While sipping delicious tea the families shower her with presents ...until the last unwrapped gift contains a beheaded Raggedy Ann doll and triggers bloodcurdling scream....Then all hell breaks loose....even a murder.....

More thoughts:

This is a delectable tall with an English flair to it. Put together a party, a murder, waves crashing on the beach, add a sleuth and toss in sweet bake goods as a bonus the result is a clever story to enjoy while sipping Earl Grey and loosing yourself in another world....

Vicki Delany has provided us with a cute cozy mystery.

I received this ARC from Kensington Books via Netgalley for my thoughts: this is the way I see it